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TelecomTV: Testing collaboration between OPNFV and ETSI NFV

By April 20, 2018April 30th, 2018Community News

Once the ETSI NFV Industry Specification Group (ISG) had defined NFV, its members recognised the need for open source to validate NFV activities. Hence after completing the initial phase of the NFV definition, many of the ISG companies collectively created the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) to look at integration and operational issues. These two groups continue to push the development of NFV, and central to both is testing and open source collaboration. But how exactly are OPNFV and ETSI NFV ISG collaborating, and what can the industry expect in the coming year?

Watch the interview with Pierre Lynch, Lead Technologist, Ixia Solutions Group, Keysight Technologies on TelecomTV: